Surplus Lines

The mission of the New Hampshire Insurance Department is to promote and protect the public good by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through the development and enforcement of the insurance laws of the State of New Hampshire. We are committed to doing so in an honest, effective and timely manner.

Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers

The New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner will continue to maintain a list of eligible Surplus Lines insurers. The Non-admitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010 (NRRA) restricts the eligibility requirements New Hampshire may impose on a company to be a non-admitted insurer in our state.

Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers - Foreign non-admitted insurer that satisfies the following NRRA eligibility requirements:

  • Insurer must be authorized to write in its domiciliary jurisdiction
  • Have capital and surplus which equals the greater of the minimum capital and surplus requirements under the law of its home state, or $15 million.

To be added to New Hampshire's list of eligible surplus lines insurers we ask that you provide the following:

All approved Surplus Lines Companies are asked to provide this Department by May 1st with a detail list of all premiums written in New Hampshire summarized by the "broker’s tax identification number." Please submit the list to the New Hampshire Insurance Department to

  • Application form for foreign Surplus Lines companies 
  • $250 non-refundable fee made payable to "NH Insurance Department"
  • Certificate of Compliance from the Surplus Lines insurer's state of domicile.
  • Page 3 (liabilities, surplus and other funds) of current Annual Statement/Quarterly Statement.
  • To maintain status on the list of eligible surplus lines insurers the information above must be submitted annually by March 15th.

**NOTE** - Foreign non-admitted Surplus Lines insurers that were required to maintain a security deposit in New Hampshire prior to July 21, 2011, may request to have their New Hampshire security deposit released by submitting a written request (no e-mail or faxed request will be accepted) on company letterhead. The letter needs to be submitted to Linda Zalinskie at the address below. Any questions on the release of the deposit can be e-mailed to Linda Zalinskie.

  • A domestic insurer possessing policyholder surplus of at least $15 million may be designated as a domestic surplus lines insurer in New Hampshire.
  • Written request asking for NH Commissioner's approval to be designated as a domestic surplus lines insurer.
  • Resolution by the Company's board of directors.