Cybersecurity Incident Reporting Requirements

Cybersecurity requirements and reporting form

Cybersecurity events must be reported to the Department in accordance with RSA 420-P:6. To report a cybersecurity event, please complete the online report form. To access the form, you will be required to create a username and password. It may be advisable to allow other key people within the organization to share access to the form. For more information about how to manage shared access, click here.

When filing a cybersecurity event report, best efforts should be made to provide as much information as possible. Once the form is submitted, the filer can login at any time to update the form as needed.

Cybersecurity Incident Reporting Form 

If you have any questions relating to cybersecurity event reporting, please contact Sarah Prescott at

Information Security Program Certifications and Exceptions

If you have any questions relating to domestic insurance company filings, please contact Linda Zalinskie at

For questions relating to exception filings of other Department licensees or compliance with RSA 420-P:4, please refer to the Department's bulletins, as here:

You may also refer compliance questions to at

Sharing a Submission

Submit Form > Sharing a Submission

Submissions can be shared with other users to support collaborative data entry and review. This topic describes how to share a submission with another user.

Sharing Submission from Submission Wizard

When completing a form submission, the user will have the ability to share the submission with another person so they can enter data, review data or invite other users to work on the submission.
The following process describes how to share a submission with another user from the Submission Wizard. To share access to the submission with other users from the Submission Wizard, follow these steps:

  1. Open the draft submission in edit mode in the Submission Wizard using the steps described in the Edit Draft Submission topic, if not already open.
  2. Select the Options icon (Options icon).
  3. Select the Manage Shared Access button Manage shared access(Manage Access to the Submission page.) to open the Manage Access to the Submission page.

Submission Form details

  1. To share the submission, type in the email address of the user who will receive access. Indicate if the user will be allowed to add or remove other users from the submission by selecting the Can Manage Access to Submission? checkbox.  Select the Add button to add the user to the submission.
  2. The system will then verify that the user exists in the system and will prompt you to confirm the selection.
  3. Click the Confirm button to approve the user, after approval, the user will display in the list of authorized users in the grid below. After adding the user, they will be sent an email with instructions on how to access the submission.
  4. Click the Done (Done Button) button to return to the submission.

Sharing Submission from Submission Overview 

When completing a form submission the user will have the ability to share the submission with another person so they can enter data, review data or invite other users to work on the submission. The following process describes how to share a submission with another user from the Submission Overview area. 

To share access to the submission with other users from the Submission Overview area, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Submission Summary form using the steps described in the View a Submission topic, if not already open.
  2. Click the Share With button Share with button in the Access area down the page in the right panel to open the Manage Access to the Submission page.

Email ID entry details

  1. To share the submission, type in the email address of the user who will receive access.  Indicate if the user will be allowed to add or remove other users from the submission by selecting the Can Manage Access to Submission? checkbox.  Select the Add button to add the user to the submission.
  2. The system will then verify that the user exists in the system and will prompt you to confirm the selection.
  3. Click the Confirm button to approve the user, after approval, the user will display in the list of authorized users in the grid below. After adding the user, they will be sent an email with instructions on how to access the submission.
  4. Click the Done (Done Button) button to return to the submission.

See Also

View Submission Summary

View Users with Access to Submission

Submitting Form

Identify Users Editing Submission Section

Submit a Form