Producers/Adjusters FAQ
Insurance producers and adjusters are required to be licensed to operate in New Hampshire. Our licensing team supports the department’s mission to promote and protect the public good by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive insurance marketplace by maintaining licensing and continuing education requirements.
I'm moving and changing my state of residence, what do I do?
If you are a producer or adjuster and are moving from one nonresident state to another nonresident state. You must be licensed within 30 days in your new resident state. Process your request through the Contact Change Request on the NIPR website, NO FEE.
Or Mail the address change form from our website.
If you are an active non-resident producer in NH and are moving to NH (Welcome to the Granite State!) you have 90 days per RSA-402J:9 to provide this Department with appropriate documentation.NIPR Contact Change Request (CCR) can be updated at NO FEE. Previous resident state license must be terminated. One cannot hold two resident licenses at the same time. Verification will be made through the national producer database showing inactivation of past resident license.
If you are moving to New Hampshire and do NOT hold a non-resident producer license (Welcome to the Granite State!)
- Fastest/easiest and preferred method – If you do not hold a non-resident producer license in NH at this time, apply for a non-resident NH producer license online at before you terminate your resident producer license. Once you’ve moved, terminate your previous resident license. Go to the NIPR website,, and select CONTACT CHANGE REQUEST. We will verify the license status from the national producer database showing
- Optional process. For those Producers previously licensed in another state but NOT licensed as non resident in NH, apply by paper application and $210. No exam is required if application is completed within 90 days. Verification of previous resident license will be made through the national producer database. Clearance letter is not required.
If a producer license in the previous resident state was inactive or was cancelled more than 90 days prior, individual must sit and pass the appropriate Laws & regulations exam, submit full NAIC application and $210.
If a license in the previous resident state has lapsed for more than two years, the full NH licensing exam is required.
If you are a resident producer leaving NH and wish to maintain a non-resident license with NH. Check with your new state for their requirements. Some states require a letter of clearance, most do not. The national database is verified by most states.
Send us the license surrender form on our website. IF you need one, attach a written request for a clearance letter. Your license will be cancelled temporarily, you have 30 days to obtain a license in your new resident state, provide us with your new address information on an address change form and we'll reinstate license without a lapse.
If not completed within 30 days, you must re-apply as new applicant. If you're leaving NH and will be obtaining a license in your new state and will not require a license in NH forward the license surrender form from our website. Clearance letters are usually not needed by the new state (surrender of NH license will appear on the national database the day after surrender) but verify requirements with your new resident state first) If you need a clearance letter include a written request for one, include the address you want the letter emailed to.
If you are currently licensed in NH as a non resident adjuster and are moving to NH , we require the passage of the NH Adjusters P&C Insurance Laws & Regulations exam and the national database will be verified for cancellation in your previous home state. Process the Contact Change request on NIPR. Passage of the exam will be verified electronically.
How do I apply for a producer license?
Non-resident Producers licensed in their resident state must apply directly online at
Residents, after passing the appropriate licensing exam, are to apply online via the link on our website to NIPR.
Non-residents Producers not required to be licensed in their home state that are applying for a limited line license can apply by mail with the paper application form, found at NIPR.
How do I apply for an Adjuster license?
Residents are required to pass the appropriate licensing exam prior to submitting an application.
Non-residents can qualify by holding an adjuster license in their resident state, or if the resident state does not issue adjuster licenses, they can qualify by having 6 months of adjusting experience in the last 2 years or by selecting a “designated” home state in which they are actively licensed. Non-residents can also opt to take the appropriate NH adjuster exam if they reside in a state that does not license adjusters. Information for exams is listed under the resident section on our website.
Adjusters can apply online via the links on our website. if a license is held in the resident state or designated home state or State Based System (SBS) if a license in their resident state is not issued or they do not hold an adjuster license in any state.
Effective 1/1/2011, NH will accept “designated home states” for adjusters, and applications can be completed on the NIPR website. For non-residents to select NH as their ‘designated home state’ the non-resident must pass the NH appropriate Adjuster licensing exam. NH does not license Business Entities for Adjuster licenses. Only individuals.
Can a Public Adjuster apply online?
Public Adjusters are a separate license type from adjusters. Effective September 2024, The Online option is available through or via the Paper Application listed under FORMS. NH does not license Public Adjusting firms.
Where do I go to take the licensing exam?
New Hampshire's license exams are administered by Prometric. Testing centers are located in Concord and Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Phone 800-869-6603 or website to register.
Where do I find the study material for the exam?
Effective 7/11/08, NH no longer requires a prelicensing course. The list of providers with study material is on the Resident Producer and Adjuster links. Our website also lists links to current laws and regulations under the LEGAL INFORMATION tab.
How much does it cost for a license?
All fees are listed on the fee schedule listed on the Producer/Adjuster page on our website.
How long does it take to obtain a license?
Applications processed via NIPR and SBS online are processed within 24 hours of receipt, except for those with affirmative responses. The Department will review the documentation upon receipt.
Correctly completed paper applications are processed within 24 hours of receipt. Any application with affirmative responses is pended for receipt of documentation and review by the Department. Incomplete or incorrect paper applications are returned to the applicant's mailing address listed on the application for correction.
Does NH license adjusting firms?
No, NH only licenses individual adjusters.
Are Agencies required to have a Producer license?
If the agency, in its name, sells, solicits, or negotiates contracts of insurance in this state, as these terms are defined in RSA402-J, then YES. Please note that to solicit is interpreted as advertising. The agency would apply for a BUSINESS ENTITY LICENSE through
How do I register a Business Entity name?
Contact the NH Secretary of State online or at 603-271-3246 prior to applying for a business entity producer license with the Insurance Department. The Department will not request verification of registration.
What is the term on Producer license?
NH licenses are two-year licenses. Individual licenses expire on the last day of the birth month. The original license expires the second birth month from the date of issue (typically, the first license is not for a full two years—it is based on the date of application in relation to the birth month). Licenses renew for two full years.
NH licenses for Business Entities expire on May 31st from the date of issue and renew for two full years.
What is the term on an adjuster license?
Adjuster licenses expire on the last day of the applicant's birth month. The Initial license expires the 2nd birth month from date of issue. Renewal is for 2 full years thereafter.
How do I change a business entity name?
- Name must be changed in a resident state if non-resident entity.
- The new name must be registered with the NH Secretary of State.
- A designated licensed producer can send a written request or use the form on our website listed under “forms.”
The Name change will be verified against the National Producer Registry. The new license can be printed from our website at no charge.
What is a DRLP?
Designated Responsible Licensed Producer. A responsible party is required for all entities seeking a license in NH. The DRLP is responsible for the business entity’s compliance with the insurance laws, rules, and regulations of this state. The lines of authority held by the DRLP enable the entity to hold those lines. The entity must also hold the line in the resident state.
How do I affiliate someone with an agency?
NH does not affiliate individuals with an agency except for the Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP).
Who is the DRLP for a licensed entity?
Select License Verification and Search for the entity name. (Only the name of the entity is required. All fields do not have to be completed). Once the results are displayed select the blue link for PRODUCER for the affiliation. NH only “affiliates” the DRLP.
How do I change the designated producer for a business entity?
The new designated producer must be licensed in NH for the same lines of authority held by the entity. Effective 12/1/2024 there is no longer a fee for the change.
Please process the change request via or use the form on our website.
Can an entity have more than one DRLP?
Yes, cumulatively the lines held by the DRLP(s) are what the entity can hold. For nonresident entities, the entity must also hold the line of authority in the resident state.
How do I add two or more designated producers?
All designated producers acknowledge the change by signing the written request, specify what lines of authority each designated producer will be responsible for. We also have a form on our Producer/Adjuster page under FORMS.
What is the status of my license application?
License status can be verified through the ONLINE VERIFICATION SERVICE on our website at no charge. From the home page, select LICENSE STATUS.
Through NIPR on the Producer Database (PDB). Insurance carriers have access to this information using their assigned identification.
Options available through LICENSE STATUS
The New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner, in partnership with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), now offers an online verification service for members of the public and the insurance industry to check the license status of insurance producers, adjusters, and public adjusters in New Hampshire. This service is provided in order to better assist the needs of the insurance buying public and the insurance professionals that sell and service financial products in this state. This service allows you to search and verify the status of a New Hampshire license.
- License Verification Look-Up Service
- Print License - You must have your License number or NPN to print your license. To obtain, select License Verification above.
- View & Print Continuing Education Transcript
What is the Online Licensing Service?
SBS Online Licensee Services (OLS) is a service offered by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). SBS OLS provides insurance licensees and license administrators with the ability to complete numerous functions related to licensing and licensee status online.
SBS OLS for Licensees. Within SBS OLS, you can:
- Complete address changes
- Print multiple copies of your license
- View detailed license information
- Review CE compliance
SBS OLS subscribers also have the option to receive e-mail notification of the following changes to a license:
- Address Changes
- Name Changes
- License Status Changes
- Residency Status Changes
- Line of Authority Additions
- Line of Authority Deletions
- Original License Approvals
- License Renewals
- Doing-Business-As Name Additions
- Doing-Business-As Name Deletions
New! SBS OLS for License Administrators. Within SBS OLS, you can:
- Complete address changes
- Print a copy of a license or simultaneously print multiple licenses
- View detailed license information
- View license summaries for multiple licensees simultaneously
- Review CE compliance for multiple licensees simultaneously
SBS OLS subscribers also have the option to receive e-mail notification of the following changes to a license:
- Address Changes
- Name Changes
- License Status Changes
- Residency Status Changes
- Line of Authority Additions
- Line of Authority Deletions
- Original License Approvals
- License Renewals
- Doing-Business-As Name Additions
- Doing-Business-As Name Deletions
SBS OLS Subscription Options Licensees: Only $5.95* per year!
New! License Administrators:
Description | Annual Subscription Fee per Licensee* |
Licensees 1 - 50 | $5.95 |
Licensees 51 - 100 | $4.95 |
Licensees 101 - 250 | $3.95 |
Licensees 251 - 500 | $2.95 |
Licensees over 500 | $1.95 |
How do I sign up for the ONLINE LICENSEE SERVICE?
This option is available on our website. From the home page, select FOR PRODUCERS/ADJUSTERS and select the link listed.
How do I obtain a copy of my license?
There are 2 options available:
- On the home page, select LICENSE STATUS. Select LICENSE.
- Register for ONLINE LICENSEE SERVICE on our website.
You can process multiple functions with this service, including duplicate license prints. Fee $5.95 per year.
How do I change my address?
Per RSA 402-J:8 & RSA 402-B:7 and RSA 402-D:9, Address changes must be completed within 30 days of move. State of NH mail is not forwarded.
For INDIVIDUALS and BUSINESS ENTITIES, there are 3 options:
- Go to and process the CONTACT CHANGE REQUEST. The department will verify the license in the new resident state and lines of authority. If changing states, DO NOT PROCESS CCR until you are licensed in your new home state. NO FEE.
- You can sign up for the ONLINE LICENSING SERVICE on our website, $5.95 per year for the service which also allows additional functions, print licenses, check CE compliance.
- Complete the address change form, available on our website and send to the Department.Fee to change address is $10.00.
How do I cancel my license?
Print the “Request for Surrender, Terminate or Cancel” form from our website. Link is located on the PRODUCER/ADJUSTER page. or Send written request to cancel. Request must be signed by the licensee. For entities, designated producer or officer signs the request to cancel.
The request can be emailed to
How do I reinstate an expired license?
NH does not accept late renewals. A new application is required. For those whose licenses have expired less than 2 years, the fee is double the license fee, and for those who have a continuing education requirement, they must be continuing education compliant. If the license has expired more than 2 years, the licensee can apply as a new applicant, fulfilling those requirements and paying the fee of a new applicant.
Producers can apply online through NIPR, select INITIAL/NEW license. Adjusters with a state license can also select INITIAL/NEW license at
How do I add a line of authority?
Resident producers must pass the appropriate licensing exam. Apply online at by selecting Resident NEW/INITIAL license. Once basic information is entered, you’ll be offered additional lines of authority with the amendment fee of $50.
Non-residents amend their license online at and select the initial license. (line of authority must be held in the resident state.) The $50 amendment fee will be charged.
How do I remove a line of authority?
Mail a written request signed by the licensee and include a $50 amendment fee. For Business Entities, the DRLP signs the request to remove a line of authority. The online function is not available for removal of lines of authority. The line of authority removal form is also on our website under the PRODUCER/ADJUSTER tab, select Forms.
How do I update the name on a license?
NIPR accepts name changes for Individuals & Business entities. On page, select CONTACT CHANGE REQUEST.
Copy of marriage license/ divorce decree or other legal declaration of a name change is required and can be uploaded to the NIPR Attachment Warehouse. Driver’s license is not sufficient.
Non-resident Business entities must update the name in the home state first.
Business entities are required to register their name with the NH Secretary of State’s Office - Corporate division or by calling 603-271-3246.
No fee to change name. Name change form is also on our website under the PRODUCER/ADJUSTER tab, select Forms.
Will I receive a new license if I change my name?
A new license will not be mailed. The duplicate licenses can be printed through LICENSE STATUS on our homepage at no charge or ONLINE LICENSEE SERVICE (fee for service $5.95 per year) or No fee to change the name for individuals.
How do I process an appointment?
Producers acting as agents for an insurance carrier are appointed by the carrier within 15 days directly with the NAIC or their authorized business partners listed on their website
Call 816-783-8500 or email at for assistance.
How can I see my appointments?
Appointments can be viewed from our website: Select License Status on our home page, select License Verification and search for an individual or business entity under the license verification. Once found, select the name to view.
The License Look-up Service link located on the FOR PRODUCER /ADJUSTER page.
If an agency is appointed by an insurer, are individual producers employed there also required to be appointed?
If they produce business for the insurer, YES. Please refer to RSA 402J:14.
Are appointments renewed?
No, as long as the license remains in good standing the appointment remains active until the carrier terminates.
How am I made aware of the Insurance Department changes?
The department does not send out mailings notifying individuals and entities of law, regulation, or department procedure changes. Notifications of license changes are published on our website. Laws and regulations are listed on the website, as are Department Bulletins and information notifications. SILA (Securities & Insurance Licensing Association) and NIPR are notified of changes.
Will I receive a renewal notification from the Department?
Effective 1/1/2015, the Department will no longer mail courtesy reminders. It is imperative that you keep the Department up to date on your email address. The Department will email a reminder to your business email approximately 60 days prior to your expiration. The renewal period for all licenses opens 60 days before expiration and closes at midnight on the date of expiration. Non-receipt of a renewal reminder does not negate your responsibility to renew your license. All renewals are processed online. The option to update email addresses is on the home page under License Status and on the Producer /Adjuster page or via the Contact Change at There is no fee.
Who do I make the checks payable to?
Checks are made payable to "NH INSURANCE DEPARTMENT"
And mail to:
21 South Fruit St, Ste 14
Concord NH 03301
What is the phone number for the NH Insurance Dept?
What is the email address for licensing?
Send to
What are the hours of operation?
8:00 am-4:30 pm EST.
Monday through Friday.
What is the NAIC?
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the U.S. standard-setting and regulatory support organization created and governed by the chief insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and five U.S. territories.
Through the NAIC, state insurance regulators establish standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews, and coordinate their regulatory oversight. NAIC staff supports these efforts and represents the collective views of state regulators domestically and internationally. NAIC members, together with the central resources of the NAIC, form the national system of state-based insurance regulation in the U.S.
For more information, go to
What is NIPR?
Incorporated in October 1996, the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) is a nonprofit affiliate of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). NIPR developed and implemented the Producer Database (PDB) which maintains records on insurance licenses throughout the country.
For more information, go to NH reports the status of licenses daily to the national database.
What is the NIPR Attachment Warehouse?
This is a central repository for the states to access all documentation required on the license application in response to the background questions. To save time and expense to the licensee, all documentation should be loaded into the attachment warehouse. Once documents are loaded, they are stored for the states to have access.
What is SBS?
SBS = State Based Systems.
SBS is an electronic system owned by the NAIC and enhanced in partnership with state insurance departments.
Purpose of SBS
The purpose of the SBS initiative is to provide a comprehensive, Web-based application for use by state insurance regulators in support of their regulatory functions.
Goal for SBS
The goal for SBS is to enable your state insurance department to more efficiently and effectively process license applications, renewals, inquiries, complaints, enforcement actions, etc., with a minimum of effort and remain compliant with national uniformity initiatives